
Top-performing PHP Frameworks in 2020.

PHP ( HYPERTEXT PREPROCESSOR ) or open-source server-side scripting language. A trustworthy partner of more than 80% of websites all over the world.

If you are someone confused about what language to choose for your next project language. let’s peep into this blog to learn the latest PHP framework in order to meet your business requirements.

What do you mean by PHP?

PHP is a scripting language derived from Personal Home Page Tools, now stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

As the JAVASCRIPT executes on the client-side, PHP  executes on the server-side.

It can be used as an alternative to Microsoft’s active server page ASP technology.

An HTML page that includes a PHP script is given a file name suffix of “.php” “.php7,” or “.phtml”. Like ASP, PHP can be thought of as “dynamic HTML pages,” content will vary based on the results of interpreting the script. PHP is an open-source license.

Why use a PHP framework?

PHP programming language helps in boosting the speed up the development process. It provides a basic structure for the development strata of web apps.

In other words, you can say that PHP is a performance master app which is built using PHP and has given satisfactory results to their users.

Therefore PHP has become the lead framework for app developments in 2020.

Why do we need PHP?

This programming language is made for the web, with base language C programming and HTML to accommodate its codes.

It is mostly used in three different cases

  • Server-side scripting.
  • Client-side scripting.
  • Build desktop applications.

The greatest amount of PHP usage is as the server-side scripting language for these reasons:

  • High Performance
  • Better security.
  • open -source.
  • Seamless programming.
  • Quick access.
  • Intuitive template engine.
  • Flexibility
  • Scalability
  • Easy compatibility

Why should you choose a PHP framework?

A PHP framework is a structure that is used for building applications. An efficient PHP makes the performance of a program rapid and systematic. The set of reused codes saves the repetition of codes which helps to save time and effort. To build high speed and error-free application frameworks are the supporting hands.

Given some coherent features of the PHP framework.

MVC Architecture

MVC architecture is a must for PHP frameworks which includes the three-layer structure database, presentation layer, and the business layer. Almost all PHP frameworks follow MVC patterns while making web applications.

Frameworks with provided plug-ins, extensions, widgets, and libraries are the best to choose.

Database Support

The database is an important feature kept in mind while choosing a framework for web applications. Most PHP frameworks come with rational database options and some simply offer the ORM systems. This allows us to directly write the codes in PHP programming language.

Community Support

A Framework community helps in solving complex issues, increases activity, and creates a strong network.PHP framework gives a massive group of community support.

Documentation Support

We need documents everywhere a PHP framework should also have good documentation support. Which must be in-depth, updated along with an easy to follow access card.

What are the top-performing frameworks in PHP?

Based on performance and statistics of application facilitates check the list of latest PHP frameworks.

1. Laravel

Laravel is perhaps new to the market but as its tagline says- The master of complexities. Because of its ability to handle complex backend requirements. Laravel has won the race of frameworks in the web app development market.

List of Massive features and common tasks such as data migration, MVC architecture support, sessions, caching, security, routing, view template engine, and authentication helps in customizing the apps.

The first thing that comes in the minds of PHP developers when talking about frameworks is Laravel. The reason behind this is the syntax that grasps easily and flexible to work with.

  • Template Engine.
  • Artisan.
  • Eloquent ORM (object-relational mapping).
  • Libraries & Modular.
  • MVC Architecture Support.
  • Migration system for databases.
  • Unit-Testing.
  • Security.

2. CakePHP

CakePHP framework allows web developers to make a high performing and fully featured applications with less effort. If you want a toolkit that is easy to access and less complicated with a package of unique features then don’t give a second thought about the CakePHP framework.Because of its CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) framework it is the easiest method to the framework to operate with. That is the reason it has hit the leading market of frameworks within a very short time span.

Reasons to use CakePHP

  • Open Source platform
  • Rapid functioning
  • ORM
  • Ability to create test
  • Security
  • Proper class inheritance
  • Easily extendable
  • CRUD scaffolding
  • Model View Controller (MVC) Pattern
  • Features like plug-ins and widgets

3. Yii

Yii is an outperformer when we talk about  Web programming (PHP) framework, it can be used everywhere to develop all kinds of Web applications.Yii comes with two versions  1.1 and 2.0. Version 1.1 is the old generation and is now under maintenance. Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite of Yii, adopting the latest technologies and protocols, which include PSR, namespaces, Composer, traits, and so forth.

Reasons to choose Yii framework:

  • Time saver
  • High Security
  • Upgraded technologies
  • Quick installation
  • Accelerated performance
  • CRUD feature and easy form validation
  • Handling errors ability
  • Easy to update
  • Inspire Testing

4. FuelPHP

Fuel PHP works on the MVC(Model-View-Controller) framework that was designed from the group up to have full support for HMVC as part of its architecture. It also supports a more router based approach making the controller closure and giving it further execution command. Some of the Important features of FuelPHP are:

  • Build-in MVC
  • Extendible ORM
  • Security
  •  Flexibility
  • Great community.

5. PHPixie:

PHPixie is one of the recent entry frameworks launched in the year 2012 forhigh-performing read-only websites Its implementation is on the MVC architecture design pattern that was built using independent components. Some initial features of PHPIxie.

  • Build from Scratch.
  • Strong security.
  • Smooth coding.
  • Database support using MongoDB  
  • Code reuse in Bundles.

6. Slim :

Short but sweet as the name suggests a slim framework is a small package of the sweet framework. The Slim Framework is named as a microframework with the minimalist in terms of design. Because this framework is used for small web applications that do not require a full-stack PHP framework. Initial features of Slim framework include.

  • Cookies help improve security
  • Handy
  • Flash messages
  • Templates execution 
  • Routing

 7. CodeIgniter

One of the most intense yet lightweight and straightforward frameworkswith minimal configuration is CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter comes with a simple and elegant toolkit to the full-featured web application with an easy installation process.


  •  Performance-driven and lightweight.
  • Rapid access, easy implementation & documentation.
  • Able to create sizeable apps.

Some initial features: 

  • Simple and elegant 
  • Secure 
  • New feature: Hooks 
  • Easy error handling
  • Custom validation

8. Symfony

It is a predictable,out-performer, authentic, well designed, and documented modular framework.

Symfony is another most useful PHP framework that allows the Symfony development team with reusable codes and PHP components. It is mostly useful for large-scale enterprise web applications.

Features of Symfony:

  • Security
  • CRUD facility 
  • More updates available. 
  • Lesser issues.
  • Easy maintenance.

9. Zend

Zend framework is at the list of other important frameworks. It is mainly used for complex enterprise-level projects. Zend supports HTML, CSS database connection wizard, javascript, instant online debugging, unit tools, and cryptographic coding tools.

Features of Zend

  • Template abstraction.
  • Easy error handling.
  • Clear strategies.
  • Routing.
  • Expressive

10. Phalcon

Easy to use and well documented and trustworthy, we are talking about the Phalcon framework. It uses the MVC(Model View Controller)web architecture design pattern. It is a full-stack framework which was originally written in C and C++ and released in 2012. It is delivered in C-extension so it releases the load of learning C programming language.

  • Full-Stack open-source framework 
  • Independent framework 
  • Less coding 
  • Comes with ORM, templates, routing features
  • Fastest PHP framework.

What about the maintenance of PHP frameworks?

PHP workflow also includes detecting errors. These frameworks must be accurate to help the user detect and diagnose software errors. With smart PHP error monitoring software, one must be notified of the issues within the seconds they have occurred.

How to know the right PHP framework?

Each framework helps to define a stronger and effective work process and development. Along with that, every framework has its Pros & Cons. So, the choice of framework for your next project depends on various factors such as security, ease of operations, scalability, documentation, community, and database support.

So, in order to choose the right framework you need to understand the requirements of your project.


Choosing the right server-side scripting PHP for any application development will help you save your time & efforts as proper knowledge of which frameworks suits best for your project will help you start to the point without any cornerstone. Do not spend more time we are there to help. Call us!

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