Android app development

Android app development, a radiant future scope in 2020…

Mobile phones have become one of the necessary elements in our lives. Once they were launched to crack the stone of longer distances.

It helped us to communicate with our loved ones, to make phone calls, professional use, business discussions and slowly steadily the chotu friend which was hiding in our pockets transformed into an android phone and it became the best friend of humans.

The market increased and hence increased the technology with android phones.

When we look at the ratio of the last two years the ratio of mobile phone users has multiplied by 1000 times the past ratio.

The boom in the market continuously turned this gadget into a treasure that started adding more and more applications and updations to beat the market pace.

Now, this android phone was not the same old thing which was bridging the communication gaps it is over and above what humans have imagined at its launch.

This open-source platform is now fast mode, ever-emerging, and a banging future for android application developers.

 This Linux based OS helps the developers to revise the software as per their needs. Technologies to name a few like Kotlin, Angular, React-native, Figma, and Firebase.

Amending the Smartphones with modern versions, advanced operating systems, and uploaded with the latest android apps is the customers’ pursuit everywhere.

it has covered several domains like Online business apps, banking, and UPIs, Games, firewalls, antiviruses other security apps, E-Commerce applications, Travel apps like ola, make my trip, apps like Google Maps and healthcare apps, etc.

This requirement initiates a thriving future scope for android app development.

The market share for android Operating systems will fly by 85% in 2020. Those revolving around the idea of choosing the career of an android app developer should have a different perspective at it.


As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic will end the economically collapsed planet will hurry to work. Still, some population is working from home and that is the only hope for the world, thanks to technology, smart-phones, tablets, and laptop or PCs.

Opening the market will bring challenges for the world to serve the best in every field but those who trust their talents and hard work can row their boats without fear.

The same will happen with the Smartphone market there will be a new space to evolve with the multifunctional framework which will create hiring for competent android app developers which inculcates new scope for android app development in 2020.


If we talk about India it is the center for core companies for many accomplished software developers and preeminent software development organizations.

Besides, there are a lot more outsourcing connections in India. Companies like BookMyShow, Zomato, MoneyControl, etc are top Indian apps also striking companies like INTEL, GOOGLE, UBER, and have their focus here.

The meet for the latest application technologies developed the slot for entry of many other companies in android app development.

Businesses want to have their applications or websites to expand their ventures. Unique applications and high rated versions are on ice in the smartphone industry.

Thanks to which market assumptions show a hike in the number of spots for android app development



Javascript frameworks like Angular and React native help to develop mobile apps in no time

User interface design

For good interaction between the user and the business, a quality user interface is a must.

UI color strategy, creative designs, and animations.

Great work with UI/UX creates an awesome presentation layer of any app. Which includes work with color mapping, designs, and animations.

Knowledge of cross platforms

Knowing multiple operating platforms to build apps on cross platforms.

Programming languages

Basic programming languages like C#, JAVA, CSS, HTML to create the layouts of the application.

Programming interface

Working with programming interfaces like windows, android, and ios.

At the End

Crowd rushing towards smartphones increases the need to release new versions of android mobiles in the market.

But it is more important to get a trustworthy mobile app developer to grab the chance and get your app developed with TECHNEX, mobile app development company. We build trust with our mobile app development solutions.

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