web and mobile app development company in India

Bursting the Myths about owning websites and web applications.

Every business has a call for owning a website or mobile application and that is truly understandable. The digital world is gaining momentum because of web and mobile application development. But before setting up the story out there you must own the copyright i.e every small or big business owner should have a website or web application to win the game of digital marketing competition. Not every URL you visit is a website. Got confused right??

There is a fine line between a website and a web application and to know that you got to delve into the intricacies of a business plan and various strategies about a web application offered by a web development agency. 

Where a website only assists you through the information with a small aim to interact between the user and the owner like a submission for consisting email address, subscriptions to receive newsletters, etc. A website includes a homepage, contact information, about page upcoming events adding up with a portfolio of your work.

A web application is slightly different from a website. Let’s take an example of an online shopping web app, it allows users to register themselves, buy items online from the online store, and keep the backup data.

A website is just to read the information with minimal interaction and web application is an action-oriented web tool. Most importantly you may also find some hybrid websites and web applications do exist which allow exclusive information and also engage the users using a highly customized management system that allows them to conduct specific operations.

The Ultimate question arises is do we need a web application? There are specific domains that must engage in web applications but before getting that in detail let us check the potential of web applications.

Getting into the realm of possibilities: 2

Education industry: 2


Retail business: 3

Travel & Tourism: 3

Health & wellness: 4

Games 4

Home automation apps: 4

Bundling up: 5

Getting into the realm of possibilities:

Some businesses think that a mobile-friendly website is enough for their business, this happens because they don’t know the potential of mobile apps over websites. 

Mobile application includes features like live locations, biometrics, sensors, cameras, and much more.

The most compelling question arises now is do you need a web application, we have come with a list of industry domains who must engage in web application development services. 

Education industry:

Studies are no more boring classroom sessions they have become fun with exciting web applications, interactive games, fun learning methods, and quizzes attaching an array of information and many more features. This E-learning has enabled the advanced phase of education, especially during this pandemic. In this era of digital marketing, your certification programs and online classes will be a boom with the help of your educational mobile applications.

Retail business:

Online shopping is the trend why not own an app with listing features like secure payment gateway, fast loading speed, integrated chatbot, and a handful of variety to choose from this providing a hike to your business.

Travel & Tourism:

Travel and tourism is another domain which benefits from mobile applications. The users choose to book transport tickets online by comparing and contrasting available transport options and fares. Which includes hotels, sight-seeing packages, etc. 

The app can be aligned with blogs and travel stories of different travel destinations enclosed with all the relevant information regarding the destination.

Traveling apps with great features serve as saviors when we talk about a hassle-free journey. 

Most heard apps like Tripadvisor or Airbnb are making traveling apps a hit in the global market with their exclusive features like trip reviews, social dining, taxi apps, currency converter, language translator, weather forecasting, chat support, time convertor, geo-tracking, and many more.

Food Delivery apps

All the online food delivery apps are being adversely affected due to pandemic, the mass being under threat to avoid market areas they prefer online services. But people have lost confidence over buying online food as it may come with the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Apps like Zomato and Swiggy have regained their customer’s trust by providing services with safety assurance adding all the required medical precautions during their food preparation process as well as delivery services.

Most importantly, during these tough times, they are allowing their customers to browse through ample restaurants, use coupon codes, and track the delivery online.

Health & wellness:

 A mobile application is crucial for the health and wellness industry.

Health and wellness apps nowadays range from multiple functions like ordering online medicines and other healthcare products, booking a medical professionals appointment, uploading medical reports, and performing other necessary functions. 

If you are someone linked to the health and wellness domain you must have a mobile app of your own.


When we talk about the online games everyone gets tempted to them, especially when they come with so many impressive features. High-end graphics, fast loading speed, and all other exclusive features make a gaming app gain popularity as soon as they are launched in the market. 

Home automation apps:

Home automation web apps have universally longed-for. Controlling several household or office devices remotely to upholding voice command recognition features, smart home is incomplete without these automated applications.

Bundling up:

Application developments are the backbones of the industries and the global trend, one must not miss their virtual presence out there. We are a web and mobile app development company in India . Feel free to Plugin for more information.